The US government has removed most of the children from a remote border patrol station in Texas, following reports that more than 300 children were detained there, caring for each other with inadequate food, water and sanitation. I've been heartbroken and horrified to read the news of children at the border being detained in appalling conditions. No soap, no toothbrushes, no beds. Not enough food, babies being forced to take … Read more →
Latest Global News on Human Rights
4 Million People in India's Sixth Biggest City Face Acute Water Shortage: 184 Died from Heatwave
Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu state, has become the first major Indian city to face an acute water shortage. Every morning, its four million residents line up daily to fill cans and pots of water from state water trucks across the city. Some residents get their rationed quota of water daily, while others get it once a week. Families have started to fill small tanks in their homes and … Read more →
10 Yemeni journalists face death charges in front of “bogus” Iranian-backed Houthi court
10 Yemeni journalists face trial Trial proceedings are expected to begin this month for at least 10 journalists who have been illegally detained for nearly four years according to a statement from the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS). The trial will take place in front of what the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has labelled an ‘unjust and bogus court’ controlled by the Iranian-backed Houthis. Abdelkhaleq Amran, Hisham Tarmoom, Tawfiq al-Mansouri, … Read more →
Worst Human Rights Abuses in Nicaragua since the Civil War in the 1980s
According to a new report published by Human Rights Watch on 19 June, pro-government forces in Nicaragua committed human rights abuses including torture in suppressing recent protests against President Daniel Ortega. The report calls for instating sanctions of the top officials involved in the crimes. In April 2018, after demonstrations against Ortega broke out, more than 700 people were arrested and 325 protesters were killed in clashes with security forces. … Read more →
IOHR Launches Campaign Calling on the UK Government to Waive Children’s Citizenship Fees
On Monday 17 June, the International Observatory of Human Rights launched its campaign titled #ChildrenNotProfit in the House of Commons. The campaign urges the UK government to waive citizenship fees for children. IOHR organised a panel discussion in parliament to gain support for the campaign from politicians and advocate for change. Panellists included Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP, Valerie Peay, the Director of IOHR, Nour Sakr, a human rights lawyer and activist … Read more →
Mexico Detains 800 Migrants as National Guard is Deployed
As members of the National Guard began patrolling the southern border, Mexican officials detained nearly 800 undocumented migrants on Saturday in one of the biggest swoops against illegal immigration in recent months. The apprehension came as Mexico steps up efforts to reduce a surge of migrants toward the US border under pressure from US President Donald Trump, who vowed to hit Mexican goods with tariffs if Mexico does not do … Read more →