The Italian authorities believed they were monitoring the activities of an experienced cyber terrorist when they came across a Telegram channel used to launch Jihadist campaigns. Instead, the person responsible for this crime was, shockingly, a 15-year old Italian student from Udine, Italy, with Algerian origins. The investigation of the Italian teenager accused of “spreading terrorism through the Web” began in December 2016 when the postal police discovered “Khilafah News … Read more →
Rich Nations’ Self-Interest Means Refugee Crisis to Worsen
While the UN speaks of durable solutions – and resettlement to third countries comes under a suite of options – fewer than 1 percent of the world’s refugees were resettled last year. With richer nations such as the U.S tightening already strict immigration laws, refugees who have already gone through up to 10 years of background and medical checks are finding their chances of resettlement abroad are narrowing. Following last … Read more →
Sexual Predator Exposed
We do not see her face, but her child-like voice gives us our first sound-bite; a story in two sentences. “He asked me to come inside to help sweep his shop. I came home crying.” I was sitting across from her when she said those words; her mother behind her, and her case worker just a few feet to my left. Due to their existing relationship and common home language, … Read more →
Who are the Extremists and How do they Recruit?
They have effectively moved with the times and joined the masses on social media platforms, where social networking is now the conventional way of linking up. Young people, who live in the virtual world far more than other sections of society, are therefore more vulnerable than those who do not understand or are connected to these new communication platforms. In short, the extremist recruiters have become more ‘virtual’ than ever. … Read more →