Brexit and Workers’ Rights: What will Remain of these hard-won Protections after Leaving?

Workers’ rights are a fundamental human right for a fair and democratic society. However, workers in the UK now face an uncertain future with the outcome of Brexit. Mainly because some fundamental rights, that are inscribed in EU law, currently govern the rights of workers in this country known as the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (the Charter). But after Brexit how will this change? The EU Charter of Fundamental … Read more →

Hondurans Fleeing to the US: “The World’s Most Vulnerable Refugees”

People are fleeing Honduras every day. Staying put is impossible with gang violence and human rights violations mounting in Honduras, but the journey to the United States is turned into a nightmare by the Guatemalan and Mexican authorities. No wonder UNHCR is calling these people “the world’s most vulnerable refugees”- they have no physical or legal protection, and it is becoming increasingly clear that they also have no place to … Read more →

Brexit and the Refugee Crisis: Human Rights Trumped by Nationalistic Fervour

A significant part of the Brexit Leave campaign focused on refugees and asylum seekers via ramped up nationalistic and paranoid rhetoric that seems to have disregarded any concerns about human rights completely. According to Yougov, The British Election Study Team and the Ipsos Mori polls taken around the time of the Brexit referendum, which took place on 23 June 2016, one of the most important reasons for leaving the EU … Read more →

From ISIL to Gilead: Women in Extremism search for Liberation

Since September 2001, the scholarly field of terrorism and violent extremism has grown exoponentially. We may understand more today about the causes and effects of extremism, but it is only recently that we have begun to realise our ignorance of gender in this field. For too long we have been stuck with a gendered binary: radicalisation is framed as masculine while suffering in war is feminine. That is beginning to … Read more →